Showing: 21 - 25 of 25 RESULTS

Chronic Pain & Anxiety

Yesterday morning, I woke up with the lowest pain level I have had in, gosh, I don’t know how long.I was able to think more clearly yesterday and realized how much the chronic pain exacerbated the medical anxiety. I didn’t realize how much medical anxiety I was carrying with the chronic pain.I’m happy I realize that so I can start …

Medical Anxiety Tip

In the waiting room to get an MRI of my knee. I’m claustrophobic ( I’m working on that) so getting an MRI tends to stress me.

I’ve learned that by asking the tech to not lock the table or lock me in the table, I can do the MRI with ease.
If you feel similarly, the next time you have to do an MRI, ask the tech to not lock you in.
I hope by sharing this that it may help you. ❤️❤️❤️
